Free Tools To Optimize RAM Memory For Windows And macOS



Increasingly both Microsoft Windows and Apple macOS are smart enough to manage the Quantity of RAM Offered from the machine, particularly newer operating system likeWindows 10 and macOSX. Memory optimization applications Isn't necessary unless You're still Employing a very old OS like XP or you've got hardly any RAM to spare. Works

01-Memory Cleaner x

Memory Cleaner XScreens your Memory utilization and frees up your Mac's memory, increasing performance. Cached memory may assume the memory required for new programs, and Memory Cleaner X increases performance by cleansing memory. Memory Cleaner X also monitors RAM usage on your computer, and you can free up unused memory in just one click. The application monitors RAM use on your pc and frees up unused memory with one click. With Memory Cleaner X, then it is possible to easily control your memory usage. An animated standing icon in the menu bar shows you the percentage of memory being used, as well as memory cleaning being run. Features:


  •  Memory usage information displayed in the menu bar
  •  Memory use per Application
  •  When needed
  • Automatic memory free Upward

02 – Cleanmem Free |Windows


CleanMem is still a set it andforget app and is completely free. When you install CleanMem it will auto run every 15 minutes by the Windows Task Scheduler. Once installed it is set it and forget it. As it always was. You can configure CleanMem to do more complex things such as ignore lists, only lists, and log files. These can be defined by the CleanMem Settings program in the start menu.


03 – MemoryClean2 | macOS


Memory Clean is the greatest app for optimizing your Mac's memory and is best used as soon as you have completed having a memory (RAM) intensive app or game. It replicates the feeling of a fresh system restart. Memory Clean operates by fixing the Mac's inactive memory and can be best utilized if you close an intensive program you do not plan to use again quickly in a couple of hours.


04 – RAMRush| Windows

RAMRush is a totally free memory control and marketing tool. It can effectively maximize memory usages of your Windows system, free up physical RAM and make your system function much better. RAMRush utilizes a smart approach to control the physical memory also allows the RAM operate in a much better performance. It can allow you to reduce system crashes, memory leaks and maintain your computer running more efficiently.


§ Increase system performance

§ Increase the amount of memory available

§ Defragment system physical memory

§ Recover memory from Windows applications

§ Remove memory leaks

§ Prevent system crashes caused by memory problems


05 – Wise Memory Optimizer| Windows


Many PC cleaner users have unknown and known software running in the background that take your computer's physical memory and thus influence its functionality. Wise Memory Optimizer will help you free up and tune up the memory consumed by a few unworthy programs to improve Best Free PC Cleanerper formance. The program needs a fairly low volume of CPU and system memory, has a great response time and quickly finishes an optimization endeavor. Even better, in addition, it includes a mobile edition. You are able to shed the app files anywhere on the hard disk or a flash drive and run it on any pc Cleaner pro without prior installation surgeries.


07 – Memory Cleaner | macOS

Memory Cleaner can increase your free memory with a simple click and track memory utilization in the menubar. Memory Cleaner is the perfect tool to maintain your computer moving full speed and helps you to optimize your memory (RAM) usage with a simple click. Memory Cleaner keeps your systems memory (RAM) clean by monitoring and optimizing the memory usage. Helps you to quickly access comprehensive memory information and identification from the menu bar and CLEAN your memory with an easy click. Main Features:

  •   One-click and automatic system memory optimization
  •     List of apps with significant memory usage
  •     Memory pressure meter and notifications
  •  Dynamic and customizable menu bar
  •  Detailed memory information




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