Slow Windows 7? How to Speed Up Windows 7 Using Software Tools



Windows 7 might be brand new but it's still prone to runningslowly and with errors. This is a major issue which affects millions of people all around the World, but is one which is actually very easy to fix. Thanks to the new advanced features of Windows 7, you can actually make this system run faster and more reliably than ever before with the help of software.


To speed up 7, you can do a number of different things - but here are 3 of the most effective ways of boosting its speed which just need software to be able to do it:


1) Stop Programs Loading At Boot - Booting up your PC is one of the most intensive times for any Windows 7 computer because it has to load up 100's of settings and files each time you turn on your PC. One of the main causes of a slow computer is having too many programs load up at boot, which takes Windows 7 longer to open them all up. Having the likes of Antivirus, chat programs and other software load up when your computer does can be a recipe for slow-city... so in order to instantly boost the speed of your Windows 7 PC, you should stop any programs loading up at boot.


2) Clean Out Junk Files - You should also clean out any  Clean "junk" files that you have inside Windows 7. System, Junk files are files which are not needed by Windows and take up precious system resources, slowing down your system in the process. These files take the form of downloads, 'redundant' program files (from uninstalled programs) and temporary files that Windows stores. You can remove all of these Sysetm junk files using a junk file cleaning utility and you'll actually be amazed at how many there are inside your PC. I remember using one of these tools and it found 1.5GB of temp files alone.


3) Clean Out The Registry - The registry is the database which stores settings and options for Windows, and is where your computer keeps your personalized details stored for your PC. The registry is where Windows keeps information about your computer, and is also where Windows 7 looks for any settings that software has on your PC. Every time you use Windows 7, 100's of registry settings are being opened to help it run as smoothly as possible... but it's often the case that many of these settings will be saved in the wrong way. This causes the settings to become corrupt and damaged, making Windows 7 take longer to read the files it needs, slowing it down. You should use a 'registry cleaner' to fix this problem by scanning through the registry database and flushing out any of the damaged files that are inside there & causing trouble.


All of these methods can speed up Windows 7 and are done by using a software tool called RegCure .This is an advanced PC tune-up facility which has all the above features and works natively on Windows 7. You can download RegCure and use it immediately to speed up Windows 7.


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